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Plastic Free Packaging

Why Is Amber Glass So Popular?

67% of consumers consider it important that the products they purchase are in recyclable packaging, and the same percentage consider themselves environmentally aware - according to Trivium Packaging’s 2021 Global Buying Green Report with the Boston Consulting Group. 

Packaging is a visible and tangible signal of a brand’s commitment to sustainability. Brands that embody the lifestyle that their consumers have, or aspire to have, resonate more strongly as they identify with them on a deeper level. 

As a sustainable lifestyle brand, one of our most popular products that consumers resonate with are the amber glass bottles. 

What makes amber glass so popular?

  • An excellent way to protect your contents against UV rays and blue light (think of beers, medicines, and cosmetic products that are primarily in amber glass bottles!)
  • Helps you to save costs and secure your products.
  • Easy way to add a contemporary and purposeful appeal into your home.
  • You’re making a step change in the creation of a better future. 

Check out our video and images to see our top 4 bestsellers, why customers love them and how they work around your home. If this resonates, feel free to drop the Kuishi team a message. We’re here to help.

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