Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers

Elevate your space with our collection of wall-mounted soap dispensers. Blending functionality with style, we created this option to minimise counter clutter and help you cut back on single-use plastics. Our customers can choose the most practical and beautiful hand soap dispenser wall mount for their homes or workplaces, using a selection of durable materials and various finishes. Browse the collection below to find the perfect style for your space.

Showing 18 products
Black wall mounted Soap Dispenser
Black Holder Close up
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser Black Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser Copper Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser Gold  Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser Silver Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser clear bottles Black Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser clear bottles Black Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser clear bottles copper Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser clear bottles gold Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser clear bottles Silver Pump
Black Wall Mounted Dispenser Black Plastic Pump
Up to -20% Bestseller
€56,95 €70,95
Double Black Wall mounted soap dispenser
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Plastic-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Up to -37%
€66,95 €99,95
Black Wall mounted soap dispenser by Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-300ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-300ml-Clear-Kuishi
Black Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Up to -33%
€100,95 €140,95
Chrome Wall mounted soap dispenser
Single Chrome Bottle Holder-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-300ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Bronze-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Bronze-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser
Up to -20%
€56,95 €70,95
Double Chrome Wall Dispenser
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-300ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Up to -37%
€66,95 €99,95
Kuishi Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser
Chrome Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Chrome Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Chrome Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Nickel Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-300ml-Amber-Kuishi
Up to -33%
€100,95 €140,95
Shower wall mounted soap dispenser in copper
wall mounted dispenser Copper
Copper wall mounted dispenser Amber Bottle and Black Pump
Copper wall mounted dispenser Amber Bottle and Gold Pump
Copper wall mounted dispenser Amber Bottle and Silver Pump
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-300ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Up to -20%
€56,95 €70,95
Copper / Bronze bathroom wall mounted dispensers mounted to a wall
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with Amber Bottles and Bonze Pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with Amber Bottles and Black Pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with Amber Bottles and Gold Pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with Amber Bottles and Silver Pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with Clear  Bottles and Gold Pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with Amber Bottles and PlasticPumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with clear Bottles and black pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with clear Bottles and gold pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with clear Bottles and copper pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with clear Bottles and plastic pumps
Double Copper Wall mounted holder with clear Bottles and Silver pumps
Copper Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Wall Mounted Bottle Holder
Up to -37%
€66,95 €99,95
Triple Copper wall mounted soap dispenser
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Copper Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Up to -33%
€100,95 €140,95
Gold single mounted dispenser with gold metal pump
Gold Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Bronze Pump  / 250ml / Amber
Gold Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold Pump / 300ml / Amber
Gold Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold Pump / 250ml / Amber
Gold Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver Pump / 250ml / Amber
gold wall mounted soap Dispenser and plastic pump
gold wall mounted soap Dispenser and gold  pump
gold wall mounted soap Dispenser and silver  pump
gold wall mounted soap Dispenser and balck  pump
gold wall mounted soap Dispenser and plastic pump
Gold Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black Pump / 300ml /Amber
Up to -20%
€56,95 €70,95
Gold wall mount with amber disepensers and matching gold pumps
Gold Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-300ml-Amber-Kuishi
Gold double wall mounted holder amber bottles and silver pumps
gold double wall mounted holder with amber bottle and copper pumps
gold double wall mounted holder with amber bottle and black pumps
gold double wall mounted holder with amber bottle and plastic pumps
gold double wall mounted holder with clear bottle and gold pumps
Gold double wall mounted dispenser with clear bottles and silver  pump
Gold double wall mounted dispenser with clear bottles and copper pump
Gold double wall mounted dispenser with clear bottles and black pump
gold double wall mounted holder with clear bottle and plastic  pumps
gold dispenser bracket side profile
Up to -37%
€66,95 €99,95
Gold Tripe wall mounted bathroom dispenser
Gold Single Holder
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Gold Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Gold Triple Holder Side Profile
Up to -33%
€100,95 €140,95
Nickel Wall mounted soap dispenser
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-300ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-300ml-Clear-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Nickel Single Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Up to -20% Bestseller
€56,95 €70,95
Nickel Double wall mounted soap dispenser
Brushed Silver Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber bottles and Silver Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber bottles and gold Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Holder clear bottles and Copper Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Holder amber  bottles and black Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber bottles and plastic pumps
Brushed Silver Double Holder clear bottles and Silver Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser clear bottles and gold Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber bottles and Copper Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Clear bottles and black Pumps
Brushed Silver Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser clear bottles and plastic Pumps
Satin Silver DOuble Holder
Up to -37%
€66,95 €99,95
Triple Nickel Wall mounted dispenser
Nickel Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser
Nickel Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickel Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-500ml-Amber-Kuishi
Nickle Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Clear bottle and silver pump
Nickle Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser- Clear Bottles and Gold Top
Nickle Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Clear Bottles and copper pump
Nickle Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Clear bottle and black pump
Nickle Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Clear bottle and Copper pump
Nickle Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black/ 500ml
Up to -33%
€100,95 €140,95
White Wall Mounted Soap Disepenser
White Wall mounted bracket side profile
White wall mounted soap bottle
White wall mounted soap dispenser amber bottle and silver pump
black pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser amber bottle and copper pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser amber bottle and plastic pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser amber bottle and gold pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser Clear bottle and white  pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser clear bottle and silver pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser clear bottle and black pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser clear bottle and copper pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser clear bottle and gold pump
White wall mounted soap dispenser clear bottle and plastic pump
White wall mounted bracket from profile
Up to -20%
€56,95 €70,95
White wall mounted soap dispenser
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber Bottle White Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber Bottle Silver Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber Bottle Gold Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber Bottle Bronze Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber Bottle Black
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Amber Bottle Plastic Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Clear Bottle white Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Clear Bottle Silver Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Clear Bottle Gold Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Clear Bottle Copper Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Clear Bottle Black Pump
White Double Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser Clear Bottle Plastic Pump
White wall mounted Holder side profile
White wall mounted holder front profile
Up to -37%
€66,95 €99,95
Tripel White wall mounted soap dispenser
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Amber-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-300ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Silver-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Black-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Gold-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Copper-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-Plastic-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
White Triple Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser-White-250ml-Clear-Kuishi
Up to -35%
€98,95 €140,95

Luxury Meets Sustainability

Enhance the luxurious and modern feel of your bathroom with our exquisitely designed wall-mounted soap dispensers. Elevate your hand-washing experience to a spa-like level every time you use them.

Our dispensers have received rave reviews from our satisfied customers. They love how these soap dispensers declutter their countertop space, making their bathroom look more organized and sophisticated. Say goodbye to messy soap scum and hello to a clutter-free bathroom.

Unlike any other dispenser we are committed to creating the most sustianable products possible.

Advantages Of Our Wall Mounted Dispensers

Prevents Waste

Switching to our holder and refilling will save 1000's of plastic bottles being wasted over its lifetime. By offsetting the carbon produced from manufacture to eventual recycling we offer a net+ dispensing solution.

Easy Refilling

The glass pump bottle unscrews for easy refilling to help you reduce costs and plastic packaging waste.

Adjustable & Versatile

Our holders will fit almost any bottle from 250ml to 500ml in height. So if you decide to change your bottle in the future you can.

Industry Leading

Here are five good reasons why Kuishi soap dispensers are Industry leading

  1. Quality and Durability: These dispensers are made from high-quality materials like stainless steel and glass, ensuring longevity and resistance to wear and tear. This durability makes them a reliable choice for high-traffic areas.
  2. Customizability: Kuishi allows for customization in terms of labeling and branding, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to maintain a cohesive brand image.
  3. Sustainability: Kuishi promotes sustainability by offering reusable and refillable dispensers. But how we manufacture and deliver and offset carbon produced is truley industry leading.
  4. Reputation and Customer Reviews: The brand has built a strong reputation for reliability and quality, backed by positive customer reviews and endorsements from industry professionals and businesses.
  5. Customer Service and Support: Kuishi is known for its excellent customer service, providing support and assistance to ensure customer satisfaction

Triple Nickel Wall mounted dispenser
Gold single mounted dispenser with gold metal pump
Double Black Wall mounted soap dispenser
Black Wall mounted soap dispenser by Kuishi

Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers Frequently Asked Questions

Our wall mounts are designed to mount to any wall surface you can drill or screw into.

Each comes with a complete fitting kit containing the hardware you will need.

  1. Pick the location where you want to install the bracket
  2. Place the holder at your desired position and height, and place a mark where the screws will be
  3. Drill to the depth of the raw plug
  4. Insert the raw plug and then screw the holder to the wall.

The simple answer is yes, you can stick our wall-mounted soap dispenser to the wall, but we don't think sticking them down is a long-term or safe way to install a wall mount bracket to the wall unless done by a professional installer.

The safest way is to install it with the attached fitting kit by screwing it to the wall.

The height at which a wall-mounted soap dispenser should be installed can depend on whether it's in a commercial/public space or home, who the primary users will be and where it's being installed. Here are our recommended guidelines:

Fitting Heights for Showers and where the user is usually stood up.

  • User Accessibility: In a private home, the height should be determined based on the comfort and accessibility of the primary users. Typically, placing the dispenser around 40 to 50 inches (101 to 127 cm) from the floor is a comfortable height for most adults.
  • Children's Accessibility: If children will be using it, consider installing it lower, around 20 to 30 inches (50 to 76 cm) from the floor, or consider their height and reach.
  • Countertop/Sink installation heightPractical Height: Regardless of the location, the dispenser should also be mounted at a height where it is practical and comfortable to use, generally around 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 cm) above the top of the sink or countertop.

Disabled Wheel Chair installation height.

  • When installing a wall-mounted soap dispenser intended for use by an individual in a wheelchair, the dispenser should be placed in a location where it can be easily reached by a person sitting in a wheelchair, without the need to twist or strain. Dispensers should be installed in an area where they can be reached with minimal forward reach for those seated in wheelchairs, especially if they have to reach over a counter or sink.
  • The dispenser should not be higher than 48 inches (122 cm) above the floor if the reach is over an obstruction (like a countertop or sink).
  • If there is no obstruction, the maximum height should not exceed 54 inches (137 cm) above the floor.

Investing in a quality soap bottle bracket is worth it. It is one of the best bathroom accessories you will ever purchase, as it prevents unwanted product removal, keeps your space clear, looks great, and lasts longer than cheaper alternatives.

Manual pumps are best as they require little or no maintenance; automatic dispensers may need batteries replaced and may break over time.

Look for the quality and thickness of the metal used to make the bracket. Avoid base metals and look for thicker 304-grade stainless steel, which prevents rust in wet environments.

All kuishi brackets are made from 2.5mm high-quality 304-grade stainless steel.